Convention in Rolduc: "Twice Two"

Convention The Netherlands

Event Date: 17/05/2024 - 19/05/2024

Venue Details

Abdij Hotel Rolduc,

Heyendallaan 82,

6464 EP Kerkrade,


Weekend in Rolduc (May 2024)

Members of the Perfect Day Tent (Oasis #13) are organising a two-day 'convention' in Rolduc (Netherlands) on the Whit Weekend, starting on Friday 17th May 2024. 

This event has been named 'Twice Two' after Laurel and Hardy's 1933 short.

This event is being organised with a different concept that has already been successfully applied in the past. This event will be taking place at the historic Abdij Hotel in Rolduc. 

If you're interested in attending this event, you'll just need to organise your own hotel booking. Details for the hotel, and booking information, can be found here. You can book a room using this website, although there are deals to be found if you shop around on price comparison websites. There will also be a small fee to the organisers for the room hire, more details about the pricing can be found by contacting Arn on the email address at the bottom of the page.

The weekend is further decorated with the shooting of films, merchandise and a joint dinner at the local Chinese. If you have any ideas, the organisers would be happy to hear from you. 

There is a facebook group that has been setup which will include all of the latest updates for the event. Feel free to join and take a look back at the previous conventions that have been organised in Rolduc. The facebook group can be found by clicking here.

The best point of contact for any other queries is Arn Koppens and he can be contacted by using the following email address:

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